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The Right of Common Access in Sweden
The right to common access was enshrined in the Swedish constitution in 1994, but the concept has been around since the middle ages. There was a shortage of pizzerias during that time, and travellers passing through Småland’s forests often took advantage of nearby hazelnuts to supplement their packed lunch. You were allowed to pick a single handful of hazelnuts, but no more!
Customs of this sort survived for hundreds of years and are possibly behind the right to common access we have today. Allemansrätt is frequently viewed as part of our cultural heritage and some even consider it a national symbol. Some advice about common access during your stay in Sjuhärad

Some advice about common access during your stay in Sjuhärad
Staying near the water
When you set out to explore Sjuhärad’s 100s of lakes and watercourses by boat or canoe, perhaps to fish,
or simply to enjoy the outdoors, it is always a good idea to consider the following:

You are allowed to travel by boat or canoe almost anywhere and you can pull up and moor, wim, even stay a few nights in moyour boat at any point along the shoreline, provided the site isn’t connected to a private dwelling. People with houses near to the water ought to be able to enjoy them without disturbance, and you should show these areas the same respect you would a private garden. You are not forbidden to moor alongside or bathe at jetties, although whoever owns the jetty should not be prevented from using it of course.
Travelling by cycle or foot
There are a many attractive cycle paths and footpaths to choose from in the Sjuhärad area. If you want to use them in a correct and sustainable way it is worth remembering the following:

You are allowed to cycle in rough terrain and on private roads, but avoid cycling or walking through private gardens, planted areas or over ground that can be easily damaged. Adjust your route depending on how you are travelling so that you avoid causing any unnecessary damage. Cycling on exercise tracks and footpaths is not forbidden by law but remember that these routes are designed for walkers.
Lighting fires
Campfires add spice to the outdoor experience and, as long as you are careful, there is nothing to prevent you building a small fire. However, ensure that you choose an appropriate site where there is no risk of the campfire spreading or damaging the ground or vegetation. Areas of sand or gravel are usually the most suitable areas on which to build your fire. Fallen twigs, branches and cones that you find on the ground provide the best fuel. It is forbidden to cut down trees or bushes, or to use twigs and branches from living trees. In the case of increased fire risk due to dry weather or other reasons, the County Administration or local emergency services (Fire Corps) will issue a campfire ban. Information about increased fire risks is provided in local radio news and traffic reports and many local authorities also provide a telephone service where you can get further information.
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Further information on the right to common access is available from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s website: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/allemansratten

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Sassis Resor 7-härad       Tel: +46 70-216 72 18       turism@sjuharad.info
       This project is partly financed by the European Union