Sport fishing is one of Sweden’s most common leisure activities,
and a popular form of nature tourism. People travel
far in order
to fish, and there are good fishing grounds throughout the country.
Information about fishing and the care of fish stocks is widely available,
but public awareness of sport fishing tourism is frequently less good.
This can affect its profitability and equally have a negative impact
on environmental protection. Public Authorities and the owners of fishing
rights can find it difficult to develop environmentally
sustainable sport
fishing and at the same time achieve good financial
returns. Fishing
tourism entrepreneurs can help by developing fishing grounds as a
natural resource and with ecotourism in mind.
The Nature’s Best’s mark supports naturally occurring fish and shellfish
species, helps to preserve fish numbers and protect their natural environ-
ment. Tour operators with the Nature’s Best quality mark organise fishing
activities in a careful and ecologically lasting way, to high ethical and quality
standards. Leading by example, fishing tourism can become a natural
link between the consumer and the owners of fishing
rights. It can
educate and inform people about rules and fish protection measures
and benefit both fishing and nature conservation. With local support
fishing tourism entrepreneurs can help to improve peoples under-
standing of fish and fishing areas and the contribution they make to
a vibrant countryside.
Fishing tourism is constantly being refined and, together with better environ-
mental protection, is delivering a much richer angling experience in better
administered fishing grounds; an experience that would be impossible to
find on your own. Nature’s Best operators have considerable knowledge
about fishing, fish protection and ecology, and as a result place strict demands
on visitor’s behaviour. They work in agreement and consultation with fishing
rights owners and natural protection agencies, and according to well thought
out fish protection policies that are written down. These describe what the
operator can contribute to fish protection, and require them to keep an
angling diary and carry out yearly ‘fish accounting’. This allows fishing entre-
preneurs to manage fishing waters in a more sustainable, but also more profitable,
way. Guided fishing activities accredited by Nature’s Best use local guides who
have an in depth knowledge of nature, culture and angling.
Marketplace 7-Härad and Sassis Resor 7-Härad already works according to
Nature’s Best principles and hopes to be certified in the near future.
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